There have many injustices in Hollywood throughout the years, Zack Snyder's vision for Justice League, the lack of respect for 2D animation, and pretty much the whole of Colin Farrell's career. But has there ever been a story of more woe than that of Wolfsbane, Magik, Cannonball and co?

The team of five mutants made up of the three previously mentioned along with Sunspot, and Mirage have been teased with their upcoming movie for years, only for hurdle after hurdle to get in the way. But miraculously Disney along with Comic-Con@Home have thrown the film a bone by making it the only comic book movie to feature in the online convention.
While the film has long been acknowledged as an unwanted straggler that come to Disney as part of the merge with Fox, it hasn't diminished the film's potential and fan interest. The concept of a superhero horror mash-up has been one long asked for by fans, as more and more comic book movies are forced to mix up the genre to appear fresh.
The resurgence of good horror and the number of fans who follow it have made The New Mutants a very intriguing and solid concept. While attempts were made to meld horror with superheroes in the past with films such as 2015's Fantastic Four (Fan4stic) and last year's Brightburn, so far the experiment hasn't had huge success.
Despite now owning The New Mutants, Marvel Studios has its own plans to make a superhero horror with Doctor Strange 2 and has never been known to play with the leftover toys of other studios.
While rumours circulated over the potential for the mutant movie to somehow integrate into the MCU, the failure of Dark Phoenix and the sheer disregard for Mutants signals Marvel is happy for this to play as a one-off and last hurrah for the Fox era of the X-Men.
So what could the film's presence at Comic-Con do to help it? Considering the film once again has a troublesome release date as Hollywood plays chicken against COVID-19, could milking the long-awaited project just damage it all the more?

In the past Comic-Con was the event of the year, not just for comic book films, but all types of fan-based content. Attracting millions of attendees every summer, guests would glimpse exclusive previews, new projects, and casting announcements, creating a huge buzz for the project online.
Remember the hype created by The Suicide Squad and that leaked trailer?
Though the likes of Disney and Warner Bros have taken their tentpole Marvel and DC projects to their own events (DC hosting their own virtual event at the end of August) Comic-Con has still been a staple over the past decade for new trailers, news, and general hype for projects. The New Mutants may have been thrown to the online event as a pity offering, but it at least elevates the film to the type of blockbuster akin to Batman V Superman, Avengers, and X-Men: Days of Future Past.
The latest trailer for the long-awaited film announced the special online panel at the end of its action-packed montage. The panel is said to feature stars of the film and director Josh Boone who will all talk about the movie.
But after it’s infamous delays and questions since the projects inception, i will certainly difficult for Boone and the team to remain optimistic.
Whether it be its four (potentially five) delays, the long post-production process, and the prospect of the franchise going nowhere in the future, perhaps the biggest gift this could give fans and the film is some positivity?
The troublesome year for cinematic releases may mean that The New Mutants may have to grin and bear (demon bear?) a staggered release, or better yet be made available for rental straight away? Could that be Comic-Con's biggest announcement?
The New Mutants seems a bit dark for Disney Plus, but if 2020 has proven anything, it's literally that anything can happen.
If The New Mutants is embraced by fans around the world and is successful, perhaps Marvel won't be so quiet about their plans for the X-Men universe after all?
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